[book recommendation] quiet.

I’ll admit it. I love personality tests. I’m fascinated with anything that teaches me more about how people are wired and how I work. Strengthsfinder, Enneagram, DISC, team roles, you name it. I know they’re not all encompassing or explain everything about a person, but I often find them at least something about them helpful. I…

what it means to be brave.

These days “brave” seems to be one of my top vocabulary words. I tell other people they are brave. I’m trying to be brave. People tell me I’m brave. The more I’m in transition, the more I feel like I learn about courage and what being brave means. I don’t feel like I have much…

[book recommendation] if you feel too much.

It is a rare gift to like someone before you know them. This past week I had the chance to get coffee with a new friend, and I came with a hopeful heart. I had already heard about how we should be friends through one of my very best friends. Saritha knows me incredibly well…

real living and the social media pact.

I like to think I have good boundaries and that I’m not one of “those people” who is always on their phone and doesn’t know how to talk to real people anymore. I don’t usually post what I’m eating for lunch or how angry I am at traffic each time it happens. I don’t put…

[book recommendation] steal like an artist.

I recently read Austin Kleon’s book Steal like an Artist and would recommend it to anyone who is remotely creative (which arguably is all of us.) This book was a huge asset to me as I was overwhelmed with how to the everyday work of writing. Writing sounds glamorous and exciting until you sit down to…

the pressure of “should.”

Last fall, I felt convicted at how many times “should” was coming out of my mouth, after reading some words from one of my favorite authors. Shauna Niequiest honestly confessed to some of her less proud moments and the heart behind them: For me, the first step was admitting what was true, at first, only to…