a desperate prayer for potty-training [+ a giveaway]

Two weeks ago today, I prayed for something that I feel like lots of people probably haven’t. (I certainly hadn’t only a few months ago.) I prayed a desperate prayer for potty training. After over a month of jumping in, full force to the demands of teaching another human about their own bodily functions, things…

my FAVORITE books of 2016.

This year I read and shared my thoughts on a big stack of books, but wanted to highlight my absolute FAVORITES as we head into the end of the year (and potentially for some Christmas shopping!) [These aren’t all books that were necessarily released this year, just books I read this year.] And friends, Amazon is…

5 simple & free ways to decorate your home for Christmas.

I was reminded this last week that we haven’t been in our new home very long. I think sometimes transition makes the days feel long, and that can make things feel different than the reality. But the reality is that we’ve only been here a little over two months. We’re still finding our feet. We’re still…

the grace of stories from Aslan.

In the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Lucy finds herself in an unknown and frightening room belonging to the Magician. While there, she is given the gift of a story, a story that renews and refreshes her heart. The story is from Aslan himself, and as soon as it ends, Lucy is ready for it to…

when hardly anything fits on your plate.

I recently had a friend remind me of something I was fond of telling her when we spoke of self care and boundaries (which was often in our two years of sharing life together.) How often Jesus uses my own words to challenge/correct/encourage me. It is as if he says, “You believed this for someone else….